

 FINALLY: SONUNDA  Finally, you must read a book in this time as our this time is book time for you beacuse of this the other students.  Finally, I will ask a questıon for you as before you didn't know my questıon when I asked because of this I am asking again for you.  EVENTUALLY: SON OLARAK  Evenually, you had better do your this homework and you are able to go outside with your best mates now as your homework will finish.  Eventually, Are you ready so as to give a information for this essential homework's kee as I know that You did your homework be carefull that's why you are able to say all questıons answer for us now in the class room for your best fellows.  before - önce  be able to * e-bilmek / a- bilmek  outside / dışarı  essential & önemli / gerekli  that= ki  fellow - dost  that's why * bu yüzden  be carefull / dikkatli ol 


 GAIN WEIGHT: KİLO ALMAK  Did you gain weight in this summer holiday as we didn't go to the outside because of this terrible situation?  Have you got a more gain weight for you by the way, ıf you have got a more weight I know a terrific place for this our problem.  LOSE WEIGHT: KİLO VERMEK  I lose weight in this week with my coach in the gym in common for me however this is sort of expensive for a normal family.  Lose weight is pretty easy for me as I am young I haven't got any weight so as to lose weight.  holiday - tatil  situaiton * durum  more / daha fazla  coach & koç  terrible = berbat 


211- IN A ....... WAY: .... YOL İLE  When I started to study my lessons in a cram school way I have got a sort of hight points due to my exams.  I will go to my school in a unlike way on foot as in that way has got a dog.  212- APART FROM: DIŞINDA  Have I got homework apart from this homework so as to now as I don't know them?  Has he got a something apart form this new thing for us as I didn't want to another thing for us.  cram school - dershane  hight * yüksek  apart from / dışında  in a ..... way & ....... yol ile  unlike = farklı   


 CONFUSED: KAFASI KARIŞMIŞ  When he take his medicine for his healthy in the kitchen his confused, why I don't know because of this he sleeping his room now.  I have got vaccination that's way I have got confused because of this covid-19 vaccination  my life. EACH OTHER: BİRBİRLERİNE  They are backing up for their lessons each other as they have got a sort of essential and big test for them because of this they are helping each other.  Do you know? will they  help at the their rooms as they have got sort of messy rooms so as to live in there by studying their lessons and homework  messy - dağınık  medicine * ilaç  vaccination / aşı  confused  & kafası karışmış  back up = arka çıkmak/ yardım etmek


207- TAKE ORDER: EMİR ALMAK  Did you take order due to your teacher for now however I am able to give order for your first experienceas this is sort of essential for you when you went to another cram school.  I will take order tomorrow at the school as my all close mates took order due to their touther for their lessons.  208- IN A BAD CONDITION: KÖTÜ DURUMDA  He has got a in a bad condition room with his brother in common because of this their big games if they haven't got like this games, they won't dity up their room.  Have you got a vehicle in a bad condition so as to drive your car in your spare time by the way, if only you cleaned your expensive car as we will go to new york and everyone are coming with their special car CLEANLY.  cleanly - temiz bir şekilde  experience * deneyim  essential / önemli, gerekli  dity up & düzenli  spare time = boş zaman  special - özel   touther * online öğretmen 


 205: TAKE A LOOK: BİR GÖZ ATMAK  Do you know? will she take a look my homework in the evening as I didn't do homework because of this my sister however I promis that, I will do my homework tomorrow in the morning.  Why didn't you take a look my homework yesterday in th evening as I didn't do my essential homework however I didn't say you as you were in your job so as to earn money.  206: ANYWAY: HER NEYSE, YİNE DE  Anyway, can buy this shoes and t-shirt for me in this weekend as I will go to school on the weekdays That's way You should not go to job for a day?  Ok they will their homework in their room with me as they don't know something about their lessons anyway when will we go to my new university?  take a look - bir göz atmak  because of this * bundan dolayı  essential / önemli  earn money & para kazanmak  shoes = ayakkabı  anyway - her neyse, yine de 


 2- How do you practice English outside of the classroom?  My answer: I am practicing my english outside of the classroom with my this terrific languagee school at all time as this wonderful language is sort of essential for me and in my life. If I don't pratice my english outside of the classroom, today I wouldn't write like this english paragraph for my future and life. By the way, are you doing practice outside of the classroom for your future and your life as this is sort of essential for us.  essential - önemli / gerekli  outside * bir şeyin dışında  practice / pratik  sort of & oldukça  at all time = her zaman