

 I am sorry, I interupt now as I will confirm me so as to exceed your ambitious. I will try to shifted my pace  in order to release. By the way, my herouses appear increasingly. Also, these repeatedly appear so as to earn a lot of money.  interupt - sesini böldüm  confirm * onaylamak  exceed / aşmak  ambitious & hırslı  shifted = değiştirmek(vites)  pace - tempo  herous * kahramanlar  appear / kabul edildi  increasingly & artan bir şekilde 


 My mom is obsessed about to clean room and house especially on sundays as at that days we haven't got never plan so as to do.  Can you adjust  underlined sentences for me as these are sort of hard for me know I will do my another homework.  obsessed - takıntılı  especially * özellikle  adjust / ayarlamak  underlined & altı çizili  another = diğer


 Our teachers statemented to this dangerous tick for our buddy as these can be quite dangerous for poeple because of this when its sticks your buddy you are able to afraid for them in your all day.  Can you compare these arts in your mind as this is sort of cencessary for us at all time.  statement - ifade  tick * kene  dangerous / tehlikeli  quite & oldukça  stick = yapışmak


There are a lot of varied about the music so as to listen something about the music when you want.  I disagree you as you are saying lies By the way, not me we aren't believe you because of this this your lies.  They heard interesting somethinks due to you as they are telling. This man is ridiculous.  varied - çeşitlilik  disagree * katılmamak  heard / duydu  ridiculous & gülünç saçma  believe = inanmak 


 Ooooohhhhh. My unique boy, How are you? what are you doingnow? ıf you want to help you. I am able to help you in your homework or your another thinks.  I recognised unlike think in the mosque for people and by the way, this notice is sprt of unlike and perfect for me as this is interesting.  Are you taking a private from your phone,ipad, or laptop as this is necessary for you?  unique - biricik  recognised * fark etmek  unlike / farklı  private & özel ders  ipad = tablet


 Boss, in the stocks inereasingly remarkable produts so as to sell for poeple as they are carzy about this nostalgic produts in order to wear when they will go to somewhere with their best mates or alone.  In fact, this new crops hasn't got any feature for people that's why we mustn't sell these crops for people as they wont buy this yields so as to wear,eat,use in their life.  In fact - aslında  stock * stoklamak  inereasingly / artan bir şekilde  remarkable & kayda değer  crop/yield = ürün  nostalgic - nostaljik  feature * özellik  boss & patron


 They have got terrific strengh so as to break away from the their bad best mates in the outside as they are at loggerheads.  He is giving inspired for his clever fellow as they will exploit to all TURKIYE as they are carzy about TURKIYE so as to live in common by having fun.  There are a lot of genres treea in the forests for tree's animals in order to live in there by eating something and watch videous with their laptops in their trees room.  strengh - güç  break away * kaçıp kurtulmak  at loggerheads & kavgalı  exploit = sömürmek  inspired - ilham vermek  carzy about * sevmek