
Aralık, 2023 tarihine ait yayınlar gösteriliyor


 Hello everyone. How are you ? If you are asking me now. I am pretty happy and good because we have won our pretty important match at the school's garden in front of the our another friends in the at lunctime. By the way, this match was pretty important for us because won or won. I have got a gooooooaaaaaal for my team with my best friend. Also, today, we have got double englısh lesson in the class for us. 


 Hello everyone. What are you doing now ? I am writing essay for you  as well as so as to develop me by wiriting essay. Do you now ? how am I  student at my school ? I can say if you want. okay, I am saying. In my opinion, I am a smart, honest, cheerful, finally hard-working student. I am liveing in Antalya with my teachers. By the way, I am good at playing soccer since my childhood.  To be honest, I am playing soccer since my six age. My teachers and my friends love me all the time at the school. As a conseQuence, I am great student as well as I am good at playing football.


 Hello everyone. How are you ? What are you doing in your free time ? for example, I am reading a book, I am watching video from my laptop,I am doing a sport for my body. What about you ? have you got a ill ? For example, cough , flu , fire. Also, I haven't got these problem. By the way, we joıned a exam today together in our class so as to see our development however we don't want to do solve question. Today was a good bad as well as normal day for me.  


 Hello. How are you ?  I am pertty bad because of this rainy weather. You can ask. Why rainy weather ? Firstly, My best friends said for me. You had better come garden for us so as to win this match. I went to garden  in order to play game with my best friend together. By the way, provided that, I am good at playing soccer thus I went to garden for my friend however my mom said for me. You had not better go to garden because the is rainy. Unfortunately, I didn't listen my mom. As well as I have got flu thus parhaps I can goto my school so as to learn something. Long story short, I have got flu. SEE YOU LATER.


 Hello everyone. How are you ? If you are asking for me.  I am good because we played game in the mosque with our teacher so as to have fun together. However, today was a rainy thus we can't play game or football at the school's garden in order to cheer up. By the way, we had a lot of different lesson for learn today from our teacher in the class together. For example, we had science double lesson in the morning, english , religion culture double lesson, turkısh as well as math lesson. Did you understand ?  had we  got a lot of lesson ? Long story short, My imaginary diary was that's all.            SEE     YOU       LATER   


 Hello everyone. How are you ? I was pretty happy happy today and  because we played soccer at the school's garden together so as to have fun. By the way, we had a lot of english lesson for today. As you now, I am good at in english with my other friend. Also, my teachers loves me all the time because I am good at in english with my some friend in the class room.  And, we had to arabic lesson for our future and exam at the school. I love our arabic teacher but I don't like arabic lesson soo much so as to speak and life with arabic. 


 Hello everyone. How are you ? I feel good for this today. Thank you so as to ask for me. Today was a prefect for me because today was a sunny and we had a ball so as to play have fun. We played soocer today in our free lesson together at school's garden so as to cheer up with my ball. By the way. our turkısh didn't come to school for us and other student. Also, We did our some lesson for this today with our teacher in the class. I was pertty happy because of this we played soccer together. We were a pertty happy because we  played soccer in our free lesson.