
Eylül, 2024 tarihine ait yayınlar gösteriliyor


 2- How do you practice English outside of the classroom?  My answer: I am practicing my english outside of the classroom with my this terrific languagee school at all time as this wonderful language is sort of essential for me and in my life. If I don't pratice my english outside of the classroom, today I wouldn't write like this english paragraph for my future and life. By the way, are you doing practice outside of the classroom for your future and your life as this is sort of essential for us.  essential - önemli / gerekli  outside * bir şeyin dışında  practice / pratik  sort of & oldukça  at all time = her zaman 


 203- GIVE..... A CHANGE: ŞANS VERMEK  Will you give her brother a change so as to play game with me in her absorbing pitch  each other in our spare time.  Are you able to give my cousin a change as he is studying in his lesson all along in order to improve his idea for the tests.  204- TAKE OUT THE GARBAGE: ÇÖPLERİ DIŞARI ÇIKARTMAK  They are taking out the garbage right now that's why you had better do your homework because of this absorbing situation.  Your elder brother must take out the garbage as he is playing game in his room with his close fellows therefore he must do this chores.  chores - ev işeri  absorbing * ilginç  improve / kendini geliştirmek  situation & durum  fellow = yakın dost / arkadaş


 1- If you could have any superpower for a day, what would it be and how would you use it?  MY REPLY: If I have got a superpower for a day in this world, I would want to choose invisibility superpower for a day and this world's innocent people as some innocent people hasn't got a helper so as to live in this long,big and terrific world laid-back in common. I would want  to choose this superpower only for them as well as YOU KNOW THIS PEOPLE IN THE WORLD. This people are living the PLASTINE and they are in the terrible big battle that's why I would want to help them with my this wonderful superpower.  invisibilty - görünmezlik  laid-back * rahat  innocent / masum  plastine & filistin  battle = savaş  that's why - bu yüzden 


 PROVIDED THAT: KOŞULUYLA  You are able to do your homework in your room by your laptop provided that play game with your cousin now  so as to have fun his.  Don't worry! he will go to pitch with his ball in this evening provided that read his opus and do his homework.  UNLESS: MEDİKÇE - MADIKÇA  Unless prepare your school bag now alone, you can't hang out with your best mates in this afternoon in order to eat junk food.  They shouldn't do unlike  something unless don't say me for you for your interesting experience.  provided that: koşuluyla  don't worry - endişelenme  pitch * saha  opus / kitab  unless & medikçe - madıkça  experince = deneyim 


 EXTREMELY: SON DERECE  Here, autumn is extremely cold and rainy as unfortunatelly you aren't able to see sun and hot weathers here for your healthy.  Abroad has got  extremely wonderful ancient and abandoned something in order to visit them on foot as well as with one tour guide.  GET HIGH - LOW MARK: YÜKSEK - DÜŞÜK NOT ALMAK  Mom! mom. My siblings get high mark fascinating due to his exam. Can we do something for his? for instance: we are able to buy Battery powered car for his.  Family, she low mark century from her test because of this our teacher beats her in the class in front of us. She took zero due to exam however she is sort of smart a student.  ancient - eski  abandoned * terk edilmiş  guide / rehber  sibling & kardeş  fascinating = büyüleyici  battery poweder car - akülü araba  century * yüzyıl  zero / sıfır   


 I AM ALL EARS: KULAKLARIM SENDE  Father, will we go to the cruise holiday in common in our summer holiday? please listen to me! I am all ears.Ok. of course, we will go to cruise holiday however this woderful cruise holiday wont contain beverages, cookies and more.  They are going to capital so as to eat delicious dishs in the east each other for their best mates as their mates aren't coming because of this their vehicle.  CAN'T STAND: DAYANAMAMAK  No longer, I can't stand expensive product for my family because they are buying only expensive and attractive anything for themselves all time.  We can't stand not to go to capital as five famous persons are coming to our terrific big and long capital by plane for us.  cruise holiday - gemi tatili  contain * içermek  cookies / kurabiyeler  capital & başkent  delicious = lezzetli  dish - yemek  east * doğu  no longer / artık  attractive & çekici 


 TILL: KADAR  You are able to stay with us till evening as we will go to weddding in common that's why nobody won't stay at home, long story short in the afternoon, you must go to your house on foot, by bus or by taks. I don't know however go to your house.  Till you do your homework in your room with your sibling, you can't play game due to your smart phone never as they are sort of essential from the phone. Do your homework.  GET WET: ISLANMAK  Be careful in this rainy weather. Please, your t-shirt don't get wet as you are able to ill for your terrific holliday.  Your expensive produts should not get wet because they are sort of expensive in order to buy with less money that is you had better be carefull.  wedding - düğün  long story short * uzun lafın kısası  till / kadar  less & az  get wet = ıslanmak   be carefull - dikkatli ol


 BE ON...... SIDE: DESTEKLEMEK, YANINDA OLMAK  Who is not on you side in your cap however you are doing your job neat at all time for your family all day weekdays alone.  I had better on my siblings in their terrific behave for their healthy as they are able to cry because me.  BE AHEAD OF..... : İLERİDE ( İLERİ ZAMANDA BİR ŞEYİN OLMASI)  He will ahead of in the future this unlike and interesting test in twenty thirty alone for his career as his cap starting in that time for them.  People are ahead of go to the Mars in order to live in there each other as they found water in Mars with their speacial vehicle.  cap - meslek  neat * düzenli  sibling / kardeş  behave & davranmak  unlike = farklı  special - özel  vehicle * araç


  GET OVER: ATLATMAK,ÜSTÜNDEN GELMEK  You have to get over this unlike test for you as this is sort of essential for your future and career, If you can't win this terrific exam not to sad.  They are able to get over house chorse in common in a day because they know all chorse about house so as to do, for instance: do the ironing, hang out the washing finally wash the dishes.  COUNT ON: GÜVENMEK  If you do your task with care all along everyday, everyone count on you for their job that is they are able to come you for their job.  I promis that, he will count on you in your life as he doen't know your terrible life at all because he is doing these because of this doen't know.  win - kazanmak  chorse * ev işleri  do the ironing / ütü yapmak  hang out the washing & yıkanan çamaşırları asmak  wash the dishes = bulaşıkları yıkamak  with care - özenli   that is * bu yüzden  I promis that / söz veriyorum ki  because & den,dan dolayı