
Kasım, 2024 tarihine ait yayınlar gösteriliyor


 Boss, in the stocks inereasingly remarkable produts so as to sell for poeple as they are carzy about this nostalgic produts in order to wear when they will go to somewhere with their best mates or alone.  In fact, this new crops hasn't got any feature for people that's why we mustn't sell these crops for people as they wont buy this yields so as to wear,eat,use in their life.  In fact - aslında  stock * stoklamak  inereasingly / artan bir şekilde  remarkable & kayda değer  crop/yield = ürün  nostalgic - nostaljik  feature * özellik  boss & patron


 They have got terrific strengh so as to break away from the their bad best mates in the outside as they are at loggerheads.  He is giving inspired for his clever fellow as they will exploit to all TURKIYE as they are carzy about TURKIYE so as to live in common by having fun.  There are a lot of genres treea in the forests for tree's animals in order to live in there by eating something and watch videous with their laptops in their trees room.  strengh - güç  break away * kaçıp kurtulmak  at loggerheads & kavgalı  exploit = sömürmek  inspired - ilham vermek  carzy about * sevmek


 Antalya is sort of dried -up especially in summer as here is near to sea that's why ıf you want to plant something, could be dry.  If there are considerable at your school this, can you tell to me when you came so as to study your lessons on foot or with your bicycle.  We are ambitious play soccer in common at the school's garden in order to have fun as we are boring that's why we are choosing to play soccer in our spare time.  I am predicteding your word know as well as ıf I now a true, can you give me a something from the canteen.  dried-up - kurak  considerable * kayda değer  ambitious / tutkulu - hevesli  predicted & tahmin etmek  that's why = bu yüzden 


 I expect, my new cousing will be great person for this world as his family is sort of terrific people especially for this nature and world's people.  Except this necessary rules, we have got a lot of rule so as to do in this beautiful,long, and durable dormitory in common.  My brought up place is pretty beautiful and attractive By the way my brought up place is Antalya from my mother.  My aspect is Beşiktaş as my neigbour friend is supportiving to Beşiktaş however may he is able to change to his team.  If so, you are able to your homework know for you however ıf not like that you can't do your homework in these days with your laptop.  expect - ummak  except * dışında  durable / sağlam  attractive & çekici  espect = yön (taraf)  ıf so - eğer öyleyse  ıf not * eğer değilse  


 5.- If you could talk to animals, which one would you choose to have a conversation with, and what would you ask them?  MY RESPOND:  If I am able to talk with animals. I would want to choose cats and dogs as they are sort of perfect and interesting. Keep in mind, they are understanding us in a day all along that's why they are trying to speeching with us not to speak with their tongue. By the way, ıf you have got like this superpower? what can you do with animals so as to learn something? I would want to ask. What are you eating in a day alone or with your best group? or how are saying something for people. What are doing in this amusing situation?  keep in mind - aklında tut unutma  speech * konuşmak  tongue / dil  superpower & süper güç  amusing = eğlenceli  situation  - durum  conversation * konuşma   


 4.- Describe a time when you felt a significant improvement in your English proficiency, and what contributed to it?  MY RESPOND: Of course, I have got a like this that time in my english development as I am studing my english at all time that's why now I am a B1 student know perhaps like you or not you. By the way, have you got like this time in your english development as this is sort of terrific. Also, English pretty significant for me as the world is speeching english so as to understand the other people all along when they spoke.  significant - önemli  development * gelişim  speech  / konuşmak  perhaps & belki  understand = anlamak 


 3- Imagine you are the captain of a spaceship. Where would you go in the universe, and what fascinating things would you discover?  MY REPLY: If I have spaceship and I would be a captain in my spaceship so as to discover moon or another planets with my best classmates. By the way, in my opinion this would be sort of amusing as as you can see. We are seing a lot of planets and unlike thinks about to  the different place in order to live in common however we aren't living in the space as in there has not got  oxygen for people. If only, I have got planet in this huge and enormous universe. I would want to plant trees in my perfect planet. As well as, I am able to do tent in the outside for my people.  spaceship - uzay aracı  captain * kaptan  discover / keşfetmek  moon & ay  amusing = eğlenceli  space - uzay (boşluk)  universe * evren  enormous / kocaman  oxygen = oksijen  tent & çadır  huge - kocama...


 2- How do you practice English outside of the classroom?  MY ANSWER: I am practicing me in my dormitory and with my special english lesson twice a week so as to improve me  outside of the classroom. I am doing like this as this is sort of necessary for me. If I don't do these, I am not able to improve me for my career and future. Also, what did you want to say about this topic? Are you thinking like me or other things?. What is your opinion? I am thinking like this.  dormitory - yurt  improve * kendini geliştirmek  special / özel  career & kariyer  thing = şey  think - düşünmek   


 1- If you could have any superpower for a day, what would it be and how would you use it?  REPORT: I would want to invisibility superpower in my life as this is sort of essential this world now because of this some people. In my opinion, in this future time invisibility is pretty necessary for poeple as they want to help other people with this superpower. If I have got this suporpower, I would want to help all people for their cap or problems. By the way, what do think about my superpower? is that good or bad for you?  invisibilty - görünmezlik  necessary  * önemli  superpower / süper güç  cap & meslek  sort of = oldukça 


 245- TILL: KADAR  If you want, you can't come to your home till seven clock with your best fellows in common  by have fun at the cinema or park as you aren't a teenager for these situation.  If only, they hang out till afternoon however we are going to our hometown that's why you should say bye for us.  246- GET WET: ISLANMAK  Please, don't get wet in this terrible weather so as to hang out with your close friends in the out side as when you have got a ill. This is sort of unbearable situation  for me.  teenager - genç  hometown * memleket  hang out / arkadaşlarla takılmak  unbearable & katlanılmaz  that's why = bu yüzden


 HOW DARE: NE CÜRRETLE, NE CESARETLE  How dare, are you going to outside with your close friends to school in this time in common so as to have fun as you have got a lot of homework in order to do these.   How dare, is he doing this like this as this won't be like this ıf he is doing like this please warn that person.  GET PREGNANT: HAMİLE KALMAK  My aunt get pregnant last week at the hospital with her women doctor for her child and my cousing looked at this handsome child at the hospital in common.  Did your mom get pregnant your sister as ıf your mom didn't get pregnant who did do your sister.  close friend - yakın arkadaş  how dare * ne cesaretle  handsome / yakışıklı  pregnanat & hamile kalmak  aunt = teyze