Hello, my name is kim. I am thirteen years old now. I am from englend. I love speak english everytime. I love my school and my best friend and my teacher. By the way : I love studying lesson in my room with my laptop everytime for me because teachers will give a hard exam from yusuf tekin. I am studying my lesson but this not enough for us because we don't know ? how is the exam in this year for children. I am watching video sometimes for me because I am pretty bored from this yusuf tekin and lesson. I am studying for nine years for me and with my best friend. I am wakeing up early for my school and my homework's control but sometimes, our homeworks not do control. Also, usually I don't like wake up early for my school .
unfortunately ne yazıkki
usually genellikle
homework ev ödevi
years yıllar
enough yeterli
kim Yusuf Tekin'i sevmiyor ?