Today subject is about zoo. Do you like animals ? I love animals because they are pretty important for poeple. Sometimes, they are protecting our world. By the way, ıf you gıve something food, they can come your near everytime because they are loveing you always. Also, they are afraid of us because our people are  doing something. As well as, they are  a lot cute for me. Keep in mind : they are in the zoo because some people are doing something bad and they are afraid of me everytime so when they see us, they are going to somewhere.


For example : this animal. To be honest, I didn't go to zoo but I am wanting to go to zoo with my family because zoo has got a lot of animals. And, my city has got zoo for people  as well as I didn't go to zoo. I asked my father. we will go to zoo tomorrow with our vehicle in the afternoon because I am going to my school in a day alone. zoo is pertty wonderful for me because there are a alot of animals in the zoo.Animals has got a lot of person for they. In my opinion, zoo is a lot bıg for me because all animals are liveing in there together everyday.

Did you go to zoo with your family ? you know .I didn't go to zoo in my life but I can go to zoo with my family in my future so as to see all animals.

all     bütün

zoo     hayvanat bahçesi

afternoon        ikindin/ öğlenden sonra

cute     tatlı

when     dığında,diğinde

in a day     gün içerisinde


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