This essay for my mom now as she is rather ill now at the home by sleeping. We are pretty ill now thus we are sleeping at the house common in our bedroom in order to have a rest. My mom has got a cough today, I have got headache.
- My mother, we had better go to the pharmacy common so as to buy medicine due to doctor in the his pharmacy.
- Yes you are saying a true. We had better fo to the pharmacy common by car. Can you take a make appointment for us now?
-Of course, You can take make appointment for us due to pharmacy.
We are waiting in the line common so as to buy us medicine. You can buy your take medicine for you. By the way, you had better another medicine. Our repertory hasn't got enough due to this medicine. I wrote this Prescription. I hope recover in the earliest time. SEE YOU LATER
headeche - baş ağrısı
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