Teacher, he ınsulted me in the class in public. I want to complain his as I want to go to his due to this school for my mate. He is doing a tyranny us in the class at all time so as to smile their.
- our teacher: I am warning you now however ıf you come again, I won't warn you.
- Teacher, he is doing these at all time. Please, you had not better warn that. you had better punish him for us.
- Okay, okay, I will give a penance tomorrow. In the morning, you come my room and say your terrible buddy's name me.
- By the way teacher, he is rather terrible for us in the class.
At last, we made peace today in a day for our friendship. He did be a regretful due to his behaviours. He said a apologize due to all class.
in public - herkesin önünde
tyranny * zorbalık
warn / uyarmak
ınsult & hakaret
punish = cezalandır
make peace / barışmak
regretful * pişman
behaviours - davranışlar
friendship & arkadaşlık
apologize = özür dilemek
penance * ceza
terrible - berbat,korkunç
çok sinirli birisi misindir?