If you could have any superpower for a day, what would it be and how would you use it ?
Respond : If I have got tremendous superpower for my life at all time for me. I would want to be invisible person for my life as I have got three terrible my mate at the school thus I would want to be invisible person. I would do something them at the school at all time with my terrific superpower. Or, I would want to run fast or fly in the air as they are rather terrific superpower for us in this world. For example, I am playing soccer at the school's garden so as to have fun thus I had better run fast in order to grab ball in the air or on the ground. And, I would want to fly as I am able to see everywhere in the air alone. Thusly, I can see terrible person as well as tremendous person thus I can do everything due to air for them. THAT'S ALL
invisible - görünmez
be able to * -e bilmek, / -a bilmek
thusly / böylece
at all time & her zaman
respond = cevap vermek
superpower / süper güç
as * çünkü
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