If you could talk to animals, which one would you choose to have a conversation with, and what would you ask them?
My respond: I would want to chat with dogs and cats so as to feel thier life. I would want to ask something for them. For instance: Where are you living? What are eating? What are you doing in your spare time? I would want to as them questions for their in order to learn their life. You can ask me. Why did you choose dog and cat as we know them and we are seing them in a day at all time in out side thus I would want to them so as to learn everything about them's life and eat. In my opinion, they will want to talk with me so as to give some information. I believe,they will love me.
spare time -boş zaman
out side * dışarıda
information / bilgi
choose & seçmek
at all time = her zaman
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