Hello everyoneI don't know. what can I say for you now in my room. but, I will say my daily for you today. I went to school by plane because my school is in the new york. I changed my school as well as I am goin to my school with plane everymorning alone. My father is buying plane's ticket for me and I am going to my school. by the way, I am sleeping in the plane or I am doing my homework because this airlane takes my ten hours. but this airlane is pretty comfortable for me but pretty expensive for my father. Also, I love my school becaues I am comeing airlane takes ten hours by plane everymorning. I love my best friend always but they don't lıke me,you know. I am comeing where I am for my school ,homework,my teacher,my best friend from TÜRKİYE. if I am forgeting my one book or my notebook. I can't take my school's product never. my thinks finish. I don't know what can I say something. SEE YOU LATER
airlane have yolu
comfortable konforlu
ticket bilet
change değiştirmek
forget unutmak
product ürün
hiç uçağa bindiniz mi ?
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