
Temmuz, 2024 tarihine ait yayınlar gösteriliyor


 15. If you could plant a magical garden, what kind of plants and flowers would you grow, and what magical powers would they have?  My answer: If I have got magical garden. I would want to plant fruit trees and my thing trees for me in my magical garden. By the way, what about you?  What would you want to plant your magical garden? I would want to plant these things for me as these are sort of great. To be honest I am crazy about eat fruit all along in my spare time or another time. Do you like eating fruit nature for your healthy? Also, do you know ? Why I want my wonderful things trees as I have got a lot of interesting for my future and career.  spare time / boş zaman fruit - meyve  magical * sihirli   wonderful & müthiş  interesting = ilginç   


 PROVIDED THAT: KOŞULUYLA  I will go to park with your fellows in the afternoon so as to play game in common provided that do your homework in your room alone in order to take a good point due to your exam.  Provided that clean the house by listening music with your brother, You are able to go to cinema with your best mates by bus so as to have fun.  UNLESS: MEDİKÇE - MADIKÇA  Unless you don't go to your special school, you can't improve you never for your future.  Unless They don't eat their food in the kitchen, they can't play game in the living room in order to have fun.  point - puan  special * özel  fellow/mates   / arkadaş  never & asla  future = gelecek


 FOR INSTANCE: ÖRNEĞİN  When we have gone to the market in common on foot for us we will buy something so as to eat and drink in the amusement park. For instance; chips,chocolate,beverages.   we will eat everything have lunch in common with our religion teacher in the kitchen in order to feed our stomatch. For instance; price,meat,bread,tomato,carrot,cucumber.  chips - cips  reliligion * din  carrot / havuç  cucumber & salatalık  stomatch = mide


 14. Share an English joke that you find amusing, and explain the humor for learners?  My answer: To be honest, I haven't got joke as well as I don't know a amusing joke all along. By the way, at times I am doing a terrific amusing joke however this jokes hasn't got not useful jokes so as to use in your sentences. I am doing a joke in my sentences seldom when I want to use joke. By the way, do you like jokes? Are you using jokes in your sentences when you write a sentences?  joke - şaka  amusing * eğlenceli  seldom / nadiren  terrific & müthiş  useful = kullanışlı   at times - bazen


 13. Imagine you have a time machine. Where and when would you go, and what would you want to witness or experience?  My respond: I would want to go past time as past time better than future time for me. By the way, provided that, ıf I go to past time. I can see everything about this world. Also, world was sort of terrific in the past time. For instance, people, animals, nature,water,air,soil,environment. I am crazy about past time as I was born in the past. If you are asking me. What did you want to see in the past time. I would want to see my childhood. For example, What I am doing in my childhood? Lile this. THAT'S ALL.  past time - geçmiş zaman  childhood * çocukluk  environment / çevre  soil & toprak  nature = doğa


 12- Share a piece of English writing (a paragraph, story, or essay) that you're proud of and explain why.  My reply: Of course, I have my perfect essay in my bloger. You may see in there when you want to see them  in your spare time. By the way, do you like writing essay? or have you got a your blog so as to write something like me? Also, they are my first perfect essays in my bloger. I have got a lot of blog in my bloger however some blogs are sort of terrific for people. If you are asking me, how did you write them? To be honest, I don't know. I write normal like all along however they are my great blogs. Keep in mind, they are there blog.  essay - makale  spare time * boş zaman  sort of / oldukça  terrific & müthiş  keep in mind = aklında tut unutma 


 198-  UNFORTUNATELY: NE YAZIK Kİ  Unfortunately, I wont go to my Alcoran disk tomorrow because of this my healthy alone on foot in the morning so as to learn sort of information due to my teachers in there with my best mates in common.  Unfortunately, we wont come with you in order to go to cinema as we have got a lot of homework so as to do them in our room by watching video from our computer.  199- COME ON ! = HADİ AMA !  Come on, they are waiting you in the park by eating food and drinking beverages in the afternoon so as to play game.  Come on, You had better do your homework in your room for your future and career with your tablet by sitting on your chair.  Alcoran - kuran  disk * sıra  beverages / içecek  information & bilgi  healthy = sağlık


 MAKE MAD: KIZDIRMAK-SİNİR ETMEK  They must not make mad me as when I was angry. I am feeling terrible because of this them.  I should not make mad my mum as she is able to  give a work for me at the house so as to stand up me all along alone.  MOST PROBABLY: BÜYÜK İHTİMALLE  Most probably, today I wont join my english lesson due to my p.c in my room by sitting on my chair in order to learn something.  Most probably, that match is today as before they choosed a referee for this essential match for us.  must - meli/malı (ZORUNLU)  work * iş  p.c / özel bilgisiyar  referee & hakem  stand up = ayağa kalkmak 


 FILL OUT: DOLDURMAK (KAĞIT)  1- You had better fill out this paper for your future right now  in your desk alone so as to win this this essential test.  2- My mom is filling out her agreement in order to get a job in her room with my brother by listening music.  BE RIGHT BACK: HEMEN GERİ GELMEK  1- They are right back due to their small as well as beautiful village tomorrow by their fast vehicle by watching video game in the car in common.  2- He is right back form the his job now by bus with his best cousin at midnight so as to have a rest in his room.  desk - sıra  test * sınav  agreement / sözleşme  village & köy  midnight = gece yarısı  


 11. - If you could have dinner with any historical figure, who would it be, and what questions would you ask them?  MY ANSWER: I would want to talk with Kemal sunal at the dinner by eating meat,price in the living room. I would want to ask. How did you be a actor? Why did you be a actor? By they way, now. What are you doing? Also, are you liking your job? Did you like me? By the way, is the foods good? Are you hungry? If you are asking me. I am pretty hungry now therefore I will eat everything. May I take that due to your in front of? Also, how did you come here by plane or boat? Didn't you die?  meat - et  price * pirinç  boat / gemi  actor & erkek oyuncu  therefore = bu yüzden 


 BE UNDER THE WEATHER:  HASTA HİSSETMEK 1- Are  you under the weather right now as I can go to you an hospital by our vehicle for your healthy now ıf you ask for go there? 2- My cousins are under the weather because of this we will got the hospital in common by bus as we haven't got a car so as to go to somewhere.  GET OVER: BİR ŞEYİ ATLATMAK  1- They are able to get over this essential hard questıons in the test for their future as they studied their lessons all along in their room with their laptop in order to win this sort of essential exam.  2- will you get over this big ill tomorrow in the morning with your julep at the hospital?  vehicle - araba  in common * birlikte  essential / gerekli  sort of & oldukça  julep = şurup  test - sınav