
Ağustos, 2024 tarihine ait yayınlar gösteriliyor


 THANKS TO:... NIN SAYESİNDE  We went to cinema with my close fellows in common thanks to my aunt as my family isn't believing us in the choose our friends in the cinema.  Thanks to my father, they have gone to watch bull fighting countryside by their spacial motorbike today in the morning each other.  CUT DOWN ON: AZALTMAK,KISMAK  Our teacher cut down on us phone time due to school despite this we are playing game two hours in our spare time nevertheless in common.  Did you thing this unlike situaiton? our teachers aren't cut down on our book or lesson time however seldom we haven't got a phone time. WHY???  bull fighting - boğa güreşi  countryside * kırsal kesim  despite this / buna rağmen  nevertheless & yine de  situaition = durum  seldom - nadiren  unlike * farklı 


 BE IN TEARS: GÖZYAŞLARI  İÇİNDE OLMAK  My sister is in tears all along in her room as her best toy is sort of ancient that's why she is in tears at all time in her room because of this small problem.  He hasn't got enough budget in an effort to go to amphitheatre buy his special vehicle for tomorrow in the afternoon with his best mates in common.  AS A MATTER OF FACT THAT: GERÇEK ŞU Kİ  As a matter of fact that, I will buy a big,wide and durable bag for my middle school as almost my ancient bag will tear by going to school in the morning early.  They told this interesting thing however as a matter of fact that They will watch unlike movie due to this terrific with english subtitle movie in this evening.  tear - yırtılmak  ancient * eski  that's why / bu yüzden  durable & sağlam  almost = neredeyse  subtitle - alt yazı  unlike * farklı  wide / büyük  budget & bütçe  amphitheatre = amfi tiyatrosu  in an effort to - mek için  


 TAKE PRECAUTION: ÖNLEM ALMAK  Everyone will take precaution for this terrible situation for their healthy as this precautions are sort of essential so as to live in this wonderful world.  Especially, students take precaution at the school by playing at the school's garden or in the class by listening teacher as they are thirty person in a class in order to learn something due to their terrific teacher.  MAKE AN APPOINTMENT: RANDEVU AYARLAMAK  Are you able to make an appointment for us as we will stay in Ankara for our school in order to go to our school in time on foot in the morning ?  My mom did make an appointment for us and four day in Sivas as  my mom has got a test in there so as to be religion teacher at the special school.  situation - durum  especially * özellikle  essential & gerekli  sort of = oldukça  in time - tam zamanında 


 HOW DARE: NE CESARETLE,NE CÜRRETLE  How dare, you are able to go to cinema with your best mates buy bus so as to watch movie in our spare time as almost we wll call police so as to find you in the street.  How dare, do this terrible thing for us as that is sort of difficult and dangerous for you because of this you have got bad thing in your body.  GET PREGNANT: HAMİLE KALMAK  My aunt did get pregnant yesterday in her workplace by seeling product for her market, she felt unlike thusly she has gone to house as well as she slept only.  His mom will get pregnant nowadays as his belly is biger than other moms all along therefore we are thinging this terrific thing.  belly - karın  because of this * bundan dolayı  workplace / iş yeri almost & neredeyse  unlike = farklı


 231- MAKE FRIEND: ARKADAŞ EDİNMEK  You  had better make friend for your life's happy in this years as friends are sort of terrific for all people in their life so as to have fun.  Did she make friend at the school for her life in their spare time, did you see a girl speak with her by playing game.  232- WASTE TIME: BOŞA ZAMAN HARCAMAK  I don't like waste time never as our time is a wonderful for us as we are able to everything in this empty time for us in order to us or play game.  Please! don't waste time at the school as school is pertty essential place for students therefore they had better study their lessons with their close friend.  sort of - oldukça  terrific * müthiş  spare time / boş zaman  empty & boş  essential = gerekli,önemli


 WHEN EVERYTHING IS CONSIDERED: HER ŞEY DÜŞÜNÜLDÜĞÜNDE  When everything is considered, You can't go to there so as to hang out in your spare time as you had better play game with your sister for today.  When everything is considered, you are going to your lesson disk by bus alone however when forget call us you are able to sit in your room.  ACTIONS SPEAK LOUDER THAN WORDS!: AZ ÇENE ÇOK İŞ  Heey!!! worker! Plase work your job in this company alone as this company's name is ACTIONS SPEAK LOUDER THAN WORDS!. Please don't forget this company's name at all time.  If you want to terrific price due to me for this hard job for a month, firstly: be patience Second: actions speak louder than words!  hang out - arkadaşlarla takılmak  company * şirket  price / ücret  patience & sabırlı   disk = kurs   


 INTENTIONALLY: KASTEN  He did do this terrible foul intentionally in this long match for their best mates me however he have gone to sit with his fellows.  Because of this  His intentionally I have gone to hospital by ambulance for my healthy in a day thusly his did terrible situation. MEANWHILE: AYNI ZAMANDA,BU SIRADA  Meanwhile, she is going to stadium in this evening alone by her special vehicle so as to feel energetic all along with her team's mates.  We will go to cafe in common in order to drink coffee by speeching english meanwhile please don't call me in there for to hours.  fellow - arkadaş  thusly * bu yüzden  team / takım  coffee & kahve  speech = konuşmak    


 MOST LIKELY: BÜYÜK İHTİMALLE  Most likely, we won't go to pool in common by our school bus so as to swim tomorrow in the afternoon.  Most likely, students are playing game in their spare time each other in order to cheer up due to their their game.  BE IN PAIN: ACI ÇEKMEK  Keep in mind, you are in pain due to your lesson now therefore you had better go to park so as to play game with your best mates in common in the evening.  Are they in pain right bow because of this their job by listening music however their job is sort of hard.  pool - havuz  each other * birlikte  cheer up / neşelenmek  therefore & bu yüzden  sort of = oldukça


 DELIBERATELY: KASITLI OLARAK,KASTEN  They took my phone and laptop in our spare time in the evening by laughing deliberately so as to have fun however I will do my homework for my future and career in the future.  Students are speching in the lesson in common by sitting in order to have fun deliberately therefore our teacher is feeling angry all along because of this them's speaks.  IN TERMS OF: BAKIMINDAN  This school is sort of great in terms of teacher for students at all time thusly every students are pretty terrific about information.  Here is sort of terrible in terms of phone all along as when we took our phone, we are giving our phone's within fifteen minutes without look at the phone.  laugh - gülmek  spech * konuşmak  without / meksizin, maksızın  within & içerisinde  terrible = berbat 


 221- BE ASHAMED OF: UTANMAK  Please, you aren't ashamed of due to your teacher all along in the class as he is sitting in there in order to take a questıon from students.  Why did you ashamed of from that wonderful doctor at the hospital as she came for you due to her house on foot in this unbearable sunny weather?  222- BE LOCATED: YER ALMAK  He is located in our music course with us as he is good at saying music at all time due to microphone.  You will located in this terrific lesson tomorrow in the afternoon as you are listening this lesson be carefull.  class - sınıf  wonderful * müthiş  unbearable / katlanılmaz  sunny & güneşli  be carefull = dikkatli bir şekilde 


 GET ACCUSTOMED TO: ALIŞMAK  Everyone will get accustomed to this new things in their life in order to live in common as ıf they don't want to get accustomed to this new things, they aren't able to this new things.  They must get accustomed to this new teacher for their future as this is pretty essential for them as their old teacher went to abroad in order to feel laid-back.  IT DOESN'T MAKE SENSE: MANTIKLI DEĞİL  Your questıons it doesn't make sense for me as I didn't understand these so as to solve for you now in my spare time.  Why this sentence it doesn't make sense for you as I did do this sentence by doing my homework in my room with my laptop?  am-is-are able to= can  : a-bilmek   e-bilmek  essential * önemli,gerekli  laid-back / rahat  understand & anlamak  these = bunlar   


 218- MAKE AN AGREEMENT: ANLAŞMA YAPMAK  Won't you do a make an agreement with us as we try do die you in the street in common with my close friend so as to buy money due to our boss?  I will do a make an agreement with you for me as you are stealing items all along because of this I want to make an agreement with us for at all time.  EVEN BETTER: DAHA DA İYİSİ  Teachers are want to even better due to us all along for our future and career with homework.  They will even better for their future's dream at all time in the school alone as everyone is alone in the exam.  street - cadde  close friend * yakın arkadaş  stealing items / eşya çalmak  dream & hayal  at all time = her zaman 


 215- FINALLY: SONUNDA  Finally I will go to my house on foot on friday so as to have a rest with my family as I fatigued in the my koran course with my closed friend at the weekdays by playing soccer.  Finally we are going to abroad in common with my best mates by plane in order to learn unlike language for us as we want to learn unlike language so as to improve us by speching with them.  216- EVENTUALLY: SON OLARAK  Eventually, they will go to shopping mall so as to play game in there in their spare time each other in a day.  Eventually, you had better do your homework for your future and career as this is sort of essential for you right now.  fatigued - yorulmak  koran * kuran  unlike / farklı  sprare time & boş zaman  essential = önemli, gerekli 


 17. If you were the mayor of a small town, what changes would you make to make it a better place to live?   My respond: Above all else, I must learn my public as I will do something for them in this small town so as to live safety in common. Fisrtly, I would like to do something about the safety as this is sort of essential for public's life in this small town. I will do something about activite for students and children for their spare time. I will do schools, hospitals, bakerys, stadiums, shopping malls. and more for my public as they are sort of essential for me. They are living my small town therefore they had better be happy and energetic.  public - halk  safety * güvenli  activite / aktivite  bakery & fırın  more = daha fazlası  would like to= want   - istemek


 16.- What do you think the world will be like 100 years from now, and how do you imagine people will live?  MY ANSWER: Firstly, this questıon is sort of great in order to think about future however some hard questıon as questıon is saying hundred years later. People can't know this years however can dream and think about this unlike questıon all along as people dream has not got a finish. They are able to thing all think about the future or in their life. Provided that, the will be sort of terrific for people as they are doing everything about the future.  sort of - oldukça  unlike * farklı  dream / hayal  provided that & bence  future = gelecek  terrific * müthiş 


 213-  GAIN WEIGHT: KİLO ALMAK  People must not gain weight in their life for their healthy by eating everything as this is sort of terrible situation for them in their life, they must not eat junk food for their healthy all along.  Are you gaining weight still at the home, please! you had better not eat junk food for your life's healthy at all time as this is being all time.  214 - LOSE WEIGHT: KİLO VERMEK  I am lose weight all along however I am eating food with my family  at the our house so as to gain weight as I am pretty weak other my best mates.  All people are wanting to lose weght however this is sort of difficult for them as they aren't walking,runing,jumping. Only, they are sitting on their sofa or chair so as to watching something in the television or do his job.  must - zorunluluk  terrible * berbat  junk food / abur cubur  weak & zayıf  jump = zıplamak  sofa - koltuk, kanepe  situation * durum  


 IN A.....WAY: ..... YOL İLE  When he explored this wonderful language school with his family in common so as to improve for self, he started to terrific way in a english language way.  You will improve you in a great career way here with your best mates all along by listening lesson and teachers, also studying your lesson in your spare time for your future and career.  APART FROM: DIŞINDA  I am not looking at my laptop or phone apart from my work in order to do something by listening music as I am carzy about listening music.  They can't do something apart form their work or homework at the home, you will look at them at all time for me.  explore - keşfetmek  self * kendi  language  / dil  wonderful & müthiş  carzy about = sevmek  


 209- CONFUSED: KAFASI KARIŞMIŞ Did your confused due to this lesson now as this is some hard for you so as to do in the lesson by sitting with your comfortable clothes?  He is able to confused from this homework as its are sort of piece of cake for his all along.  210- EACH OTHER: BİRBİRLERİNE  They are doing something each other for themselves about the lessons at all time not to say day,week,hours,month.  My best mates are helpig each other in a day so as to have fun without equipment.  comfortable - konforlu,rahat  piece of cake * kolay  month & ay  without = meksizin, maksızın  equipment - ekipman


 TAKE ORDER: EMİR ALMAK  Didn't she  take order due to her teacher for today in the lesson so as to do her homework as ıf she didn't take order, she aren't able to something for her? I should take order from my touther for me as he is saying true all along.  IN A BAD CONDITION: KÖTÜ DURUMDA OLMAK  His house in a bad condition in order to live in there with his family or best mates in common.  She has got a room in a bad condition for her so as to do her homework and study her lesson in there by sitting on her morris chair.  touther - zoomdan öğretmen  true * doğru   am-is-are able to= can  / yapabilmek  morris cahir & sandalye  mates = arkadaş     


 TAKE A LOOK: BİR GÖZ ATMAK You must take a look your lesson now so as to take a good score due to this exam for you with your close friend.  Will he take a look his game in order to win that game for the world by sitting in his room alone?  ANYWAY: HER NEYSE, YİNE DE  Anyway, I will read this terrific opus for my future right now alone especially in the afternoon.  Anyway, you had better study your lessons so as to pass this class for your career all along.  close friend - yakın arkadaş  score * puan terrific / müthiş  career & kariyer especially = özellikle


 203- GIVE ....... A CHANGE: BİRİNE ŞANS VERMEK  She gave his a change so as to think his the thing he did for her however when she gave he this change, he tried to escape due to her.  I will give you a change for your healthy however ıf you try go to somewhere I will bind you with rope in order to kill you. HAHHAHHAH  204- TAKE OUT THE GARBAGE: ÇÖPÜ DIŞARI ÇIKARTMAK  May you take out the garbages for me as I am sort of ill. Please! I will buy a toy for you from the toy shop?  You can't take out the garbage as you are a pretty weak due to me. Go to your room and study your lesson. You can't this jobs like me never.  escape - kaçmak  kill * öldürmek  bind / bağlamak  weak & zayıf  rope = halat