
Eylül, 2023 tarihine ait yayınlar gösteriliyor


 Hello everyone. how are you ?. today subject is nature. by the way,do you know NATURE word ?. I can say something about NATURE. Nature is pertty important for people because we are liveing in the NATURE. we had better protect our NATURE everytime together.  Nature is pertty important for people because we are liveing nature now and we are doing something in our nature for us but sometimes we aren't looking at animals we can ruin animals places thier house. Also, animals are scareding from us everytime because we are trying die their sometimes. by the way, in my opinion, we have got a lot of beautiful places everywhere in the world. we had better protect our beautiful places always because some people are sent someting product some where. ruin    mahvetmek scared    korkmuş protect     korumak product    ürün somewhere       biryerler


 Hello everyone, how are you. I am so much good now. today topic is my diary. why my diary because I today was a good mach  for me.  and, today was perfect day for me because we had a p.e today but,the weather is rainy in us p.e lesson. by the way,Ronaldo is a perfect footballer for me because Roaldo has got well-built,fast,perfect shot for me always. Also, I scored seven goals from in today match for my team alone in the rainy waether. but, I was pertty tired from the match only me because they didn't  run fast and they didn't do feint in the match like this me. long stroy short : Today was good for me because I scored seven goals in this match alone by runing fast. scored     gol/ skor well-built     yapılı kaslı  physical education       beden eiğitmi feint      çalım 


 Hello, I am a business man in this country or abroad for my family and me everytime.but ,I love my job always. by the way,I have got summer holiday with my family together as well as we aren't stay in at home never we are in somewhere.Also, my job is punctual eveytime for person. for axmeple, Ronaldo is punctual bsiness man and footballer for his family. Ronaldo is playing soccer and he is looking at his job , time with his manager. and Ronaldo is richer than us because he is rich footballer for fottball. I love ronaldo everytime and I am good at play soccer.Ronaldo is handsome for me. long stroy short : Ronaldo is handsome bsiness man and he is punctual foe me he loves playing soccer with order team everytime especially in the evening. business man     iş adamı  punctual      dakik handsome    yakışıklı  especially    özellikle.


 Hello everyone, today, I will go to abroad alone so as to watch english cinema and for do job but you had not better unhappy because I will come in summer holiday by airplane. by the way, I will miss you  I am going to abroad,see you later. I can call you everytime for you. I will sent photograph for you sometimes for you because you don't know in there. had I better buy gift for you in there with money. do want to gift for our house or for your job. in here is so woderful for people. I will come in here with you because you had better see in here one time in your life  unhappy    mutsuz  miss    özlemek abroad    dış ülke  airplane     hava yolu, photograph   fotoğraf gift/ present     hediye one time     bir kere wonderful     müthiş


 today topic is about guitar. what is guitar,do you know ?. people are playing with guitar sometimes when they bored. for example : I can't play with guitar because I didn't try play sometimes.but,you had better play guitar because you can feel relax. in my opinion, guitar is perfect product for people because when you learn this product. by the way,this product has got a lot of new problem for people. and,perfect habit for some people. Also, I don't know but guitars not pretty expensive but nowly evrything is so expensive for people. yo can play with guitar in your free time sometimes. this product is feeling relax people everytime. that's all see you  relax  relaks  guitar    gitar nowly    şuanlıkla 


 Hello, everyone today topic is about sent the letter for your cousin. by the way, I didn't write letter but, I can write letter. I am remember in my life. in my opinion, writing a letter  is a so beautiful thing. if you are wanting to wr,te to letter you can write because not hard. you are writeing you thing in your letter finally you are senting your best peer he can be in abroad you can sent. but, you had better want to sent  this letter abroad.it can go to abroad now because internet is going to be fast in the world right now for people. this letter is perrty easy for me because you are writeing with your thing everytime. letter= mektup  abroad= dış ülke peer=akran,yaşıt remember= hatırlamak


 Today suubject is about open lıve boardcast for children in a day.I can speak with my peer  in the lıve boardcast. by the way, this problem is hard beacuse you had better sit in your gameing chair for your health. youacn buy money but you had better sit on your gameing chair because you are siting on your chair three or four hours. there are pertty problem for lıve boardcast. I am not lıve boardcast but I am  youtuber now , I have got seventy one video as well as I have got thirty four subscribe in my chanel right now for my future. if I have got one thousand I can take a plate from youtebe. so PLEASE DON'T FORGET SBSCRİBE,LIKE MY CHANEL FOR LPATE. Long story short : this lıve boardcast job is hard but if you love siting on the chair you can do this job but in my opinion, this job is hard.


 Today subject is about dangerous habit. what is the dangerous habit. for example : you were smoking from 2 years ago with your friend or alone but today you were leaved this dangerous habit. today topic is about this. I have got dangerous habit for people and me because  I am sending harmful fumes into the atmosphere for peopleeverytime by smoking. by the way, I am leaving this dangerous product now because I am getting slower day by day.ALSO,CHİLDREN OR TEENAGER SHOULD NOT  SMOKİNG PLEASE !!!  this product is pertty dangerous because of this you sholud not smoking this product.


 Today topic is about my imaginary diary. my imaginary diary is about a child. this cilhd will join the social medium with his phone because his peer is joining in the social medium with their phone. by the way, thier phone is pertty perfect and this child hasn't got a perfect phone. Also, this child father hasn't got good job for his family.  I have got old samsung phone now but my peer has got a iphone fourteen pro max and they are saying me. You are a poor than us. By the way, you can't buy this pertty expensive phone as well as you can't play game from your old phone. I am saying my family but they aren't saying something for me.I am saying, my father can change your job but  my father is saying what. I can't do this because I am  happy now from my job. unfortunately I can't do this, I am sorry. in short : my peer has got expensive phone but I haven't got expensive phone because my father hasn't hot good job.


 A teenager child went to his grand mother's house by car in summer holiday so as to have a rest with his family. his family worked their garden but this teenager cilhd didn't work wiyh his family in the garden. he went to other garden but his family didn't have this garden. And, he ate a apple from other garden not say. I found a ball in the garden as well as I played   soccer with this ball alone in the afternoon. then my mum said my name and I went  to their near. they said something about my school but ı didn't listen they because I didn't like my school. also, I didn't like my tecahers and my peer so as to join the lesson. by the way I complained my first peer. Long story short : I am teenager child and ı didn't like my peer and my school. but my family loved my school and my friend.


 Hello, I am a student in my school with my family together  so as to learn something. I went to preschool in my young so as to learn something and have fun. by the way, I love my school for my teacher and my best friend. Also, I was successful in the elementary school alone for my family and my future. By the way, my family praised me everytime for other neighbour. I can say this, I was good at in my lesson for example: ı watched video form my laptop.And, ı was cozy in my preschool,elemantry bt my middle school,high school was nervous because we had a lot of book and homework. my high school was bad for me because ı colundn't receive high mark from my exam. in my opinion, ı can't be a graduate. long story short : you had better study your leeson always because your leeson is hard. if you don't study your lesson you can't be a graduate from your school and class. THAT'S ALL 


Today is race's day for something people everytime. I went to race place on foot so as to watch this wonderful race alone. when, ı came here, one guy came here. I didn't understand why this guy came here but this guy is player for us. then,lady player came here one hour after male guy. And, this speechless race strated for us in the afternoon.  two player showed their talents towards to towards together in order to win this speechless for their grub. By the way in my opinion, this race was pretty hard in trems of two players so as to win. Also, this stadium has got a lot of pretty gorgeous   banner in watcher hand  but, we didn't count on the referees because this race was pretty random for referees. they were a rafher wonderful fo rus and referees today. I love them. THAT'S ALL, SEE YOU LATER, GOOD BYE, GOOD EVENİNG.