
Ekim, 2023 tarihine ait yayınlar gösteriliyor


 Hello technology. What up ? I am good now because I am using you now so as to write my essay. I love you all the time because we are using you in a day so as to finish our homework or play game in our room especially in the evening. By the way, all student as well as busıness man and more are using you because you are pretty fast for us and, you know everything. We are buying you all the time because you are pretty in order to find something for us. But, you are a expensive sometimes one product so we can't buy you now because of this finish our job. Also, you can use technology in your game or boardcasting with your computer or laptop. I love technology because technology pretty good for people. You can do everything with technology. Keep in mind, you buy money with this technology from your home so as to come perfect places with your family or alone.  boardcast    yayıncı  technology      teknoloji busıness man     iş adamı espec...


 Hello my friend and my teacher. How are you ? I am pretty energetic now by write my imaginary diary in my room alone. I am writing this essay right now by listening music in my room. I love this essay because I can say my all think in this essay. When I write this essay. I am feeling relax all the time. This essay has got my think or my feel for my best friend and my teacher. I went to school on foot alone in the morning today so as to play game and listen my lesson in the class. By the way, our teacher said something for us. children, I am not at the school for tomorrow with you so you can play game or you can sleep in my lesson's time at your house in order to get up late for school. I will go to my school on foot  alone but when I arrive my school. time will be pretty late from really so my teachers aren't say something because of this our teacher's problem. I AM PRETTY HAPPY NOW BECAUSE OF THİS MY TEACHER and my essay is finishing here.  SEE YOU LATER, GOOD BYE, HAVE...


 Hello everyone. How are you ? I am pretty perfect because tomorrow has got twice turkısh with our best teacher together so as to learn everything at lesson. I love turkısh lesson now because our teacher is pretty good for me so as to listen turkısh lesson. I love this turkısh's teacher because this teacher is not doing exam all the time. By the way, our science teacher is doing exam all the time at lesson for us but, I don't like joın the exam all the time. For example, we have got twice lesson on monday. This teacher is doing exam in the other lesson for us but, I don't like such exams from our science's teacher. So, I don't like science teacher all the time. I love other lesson except math everyday.  THAT'S ALL  all the time       her zaman such exam         böyle bir sınav except math        matematik   hariç  science     fen bilimleri twice     iki kez


 Hello everyone. How are you ? I am pretty energetic today because today is weekend for children. I love these todays because I can play game with my laptop or I can do my homework in these todays for my teacher and my future. I am good at doing my homework and listen my lesson in our class with my friend in a day together so as to develop us. My class has got clever as well as lazy student. To be  honest  : I am clever student for our teacher but ıf, I was be a lazy student. Perhaps , our teachers may not like me. I have got lazy student in my class now. My lazy frineds aren't studying my teachers lesson never. They are working with their family in the greenhouse in a day all the time so as to buy money and work together so they  aren't studying in their lesson at their home never. I love them. I am feeling bad because of this them all the time because they are takeing minus from their teacher all the time. Long story short : YOU HAD BETTER STUDY YOUR LESSON ALL THE...


Hello everyone. How are you ? I am pretty tired because I played soccer at school in the garden together so as to have fun as well as I am so tired because of this game. By the way, I love playing soccer with my friend in the garden in order to have fun together in the p.e lesson. We love playing soccer so we can't listen our lesson carefully. Also, we love lesson but some lesson because some lesson's teacher is pretty bad for us in the lesson. I love lesson some teachers are pretty terrible for me. For example : sicience and maths. I don't like these lessons everytime but I am want to understand these lessons for my future.  I love different lesson because of this teachers. I am studying my lesson  alone in my room so as to develop me with these homeworks in a day. To be honest : these lessons are pretty hard for me because I am bad at learning these topic with my friend in our class room together.  different       farklı these    bunlar ...


 Hello everyone. How are you ? I am pretty wonderful now bevause we have got a p.e lesson tomorrow for us . I am good at playing soccer like my friend because I am pretty agile from my best friend in the football alone but, eymen is good at playing soccer with me  together. Also, they are good at playing soccer but they had better work this game. By the way, I am good at studying my lesson and my lesson alone. I love my school,my teachers, finally my friend all the time because I am joınıng lesson with or we are playing soccer together in the garden so as to have fun in the free time.  For example : this is my favorite turkısh player. I love this football player. To be honest : do you know this football player name ? In my opınıon , you know. I am saying his name is Arda Güler. Do you like this soccer player ? Are you good at playing soccer from other friend at school in the football ?  All the tıme     her zaman am-is-are   good at verb + in...


 Hello everyone. How are you ? I am pretty excited because we have got school parent association meeting in tomorrow at school for us so I am pertty excited because of this problem. As well as , I am pretty excited because of this I will joın the englısh lesson in my room alone by sitting down in order to improve me in this evening for my life. By the way , I am takeing englısh lesson from the wonderful  teachers everytime for me but ıf my mother doesn't look at the englısh teacher. I  come in heres thanks to my mom. I love studying englısh my lesson all the time in my room because of this my englısh teacher. Also, this language is pretty important for people because this language is intenatıonal for people so you had better learn one language for you because ıf you are go to abroad. What will you speak with them alone so as to lıfe ?   internatıonal     uluslararası all the time      her zaman  excited     ...


 Hello everyone ,  how are you ? I am great thanks. What about you ? If you are a good. We can start with you together but you will read this essay as well as I will write this essay. To be honest : My fingers are working in order to finish this essay. And, your mind is working so as to finish this essay by reading in your room or other room. By the way, you can't read but I had better write this essay for me and my teacher because my teacher is working for us everytime in his room by sitting on his chair but his job is hard because he is sitting on his chair for us in a day always .  Keep in mind : he is buying money form us family so as to give an english lesson everyday ,  If he isn't give an english lesson , he had better go to somewhere in this heat on foot ,  by car , by bus ,  by bike but he is sitting on his chair and he is give an english lesson in a day .  In my opinion, he loves in his job because he is speaking in his love language with us ...


 Hello, my name is kim. I am thirteen years old now. I am from englend. I love speak english everytime. I love my school and my best friend and my teacher.  By the way : I love studying lesson in my room with my laptop everytime for me because teachers will give a hard exam from yusuf tekin. I am studying my lesson but this not enough for us because we don't know ? how is the exam in this year for children. I am watching video sometimes for me because I am pretty bored from this yusuf tekin and lesson. I am studying  for nine years for me  and with my best friend. I am wakeing up early for my school and my homework's control but sometimes, our homeworks not do control. Also, usually I don't like wake up early for my school .  unfortunatelly I AM FİNİSHİNG THİS ESSAY NOW. see you son unfortunately       ne yazıkki  usually      genellikle homework     ev ödevi  years       yıllar enou...


 Hello. How are you ?  I am pretty good tanks. What about you ? In my opinion, you are a good now because I will asy something and my words will feel happy you everytime. If you are feeling bad you had better read this essay for your beautiful life. Yes, are  you reading me now because I am saying my all this about this topic for poeple. By the way, why are you feeling bad ? can I ask this problem because you can't say something me.  If your body is very bad and tired now. You had better sleep one hours but you had not better watch video so as to sleep. You had not better thing about something for you. Than, you can sit your homework for your life. When is your homework finished. you can watch video with your phone or laptop so as to have fun. finally, you had better read a book for you  in order to improve understand something. Also, especially, you can speak with your family especially everytime. Keep in mind : you had better choose your mother or father so as...


 Hello, I will write my want. I want everyting because I am a young student so I can buy everything. But, I can not buy everything in this expensive year for us. I want to gamer's product for me but, now, my father isn't buy youtubers's product for me. By the way, this product is not expensive for his. I am angry because of this. I am saying. My father, can we go to market together on foot. He is saying. No we can't go to somewhere. I am watching tv now by sitting down. He is saying only. you had better do your homework in your room because you have got a exam tomorrow for you. I am saying. My homework is finishing now, we can go to somewhere together  so as to get fresh air in this day. I am watching video from my laptop in my room so as to have fun because I am angry my father now. I want to go to school on foot or by car so as to play game as well as study lesson with my best friend. I don't like study lesson because they know. we are sleeping everytime, or we ar...


 Today subject is about zoo. Do you like animals ? I love animals because they are pretty important for poeple. Sometimes, they are protecting our world. By the way, ıf you gıve something food, they can come your near everytime because they are loveing you always. Also, they are afraid of us because our people are  doing something. As well as, they are  a lot cute for me. Keep in mind : they are in the zoo because some people are doing something bad and they are afraid of me everytime so when they see us, they are going to somewhere.    For example : this animal. To be honest, I didn't go to zoo but I am wanting to go to zoo with my family because zoo has got a lot of animals. And, my city has got zoo for people  as well as I didn't go to zoo. I asked my father. we will go to zoo tomorrow with our vehicle in the afternoon because I am going to my school in a day alone. zoo is pertty wonderful for me because there are a alot of animals in the zoo.Animals has...


 Tday subject is about Vehicles. vehicles, do you this word meaning. if you don't know. I can say. meaning is araba. cars are pretty important for people because we are useing this product always so as to go to somewhere together by listening music sometimes. this bıg product is a lot beautiful for us because this product is comfortable but pretty expensive now for people. we have got two vehicles. I will say on the continent why we have got two cars for us. we have got two vehicle because of this my father from his job. for exmaple: this  car is pretty expensive for us but this car is expensive but vehicle is more comfortable than order car so we can't buy this car. Also, this vehicle is faster than another car but,perhaps, there maybe cars faster than this cars in the world. keep in mind,if you have got expensive car. please,you had better carefully because perhaps you can  do accident with your best vehicle so you had not better give you friend.  you can buy from ...


 Hello everyoneI don't know.    what can I say for you  now in my room.   but, I will say my daily for you today.    I went  to school by plane because my school is in the new york.   I changed my school  as well as I am goin to my school with plane everymorning alone.   My father is buying plane's ticket for me and I am going to my school.   by the way, I am sleeping in the plane or I am doing my homework because this airlane takes my ten hours.    but this airlane is pretty comfortable for me but pretty expensive for my father.    Also, I love my school becaues I am comeing airlane takes ten hours  by plane everymorning.   I love my best friend always but they don't lıke me,you know.   I am comeing where I am for my school ,homework,my teacher,my best friend from TÜRKİYE. if I am forgeting my one book or my notebook. I can't take my school's product never. my th...


 today, I am so shock everytime because we will but a sprot car for me. when,our berakfast finish, we went  to e garage together by my father's vehicle because I will buy a electric vehicle for people. in my opinion, electric cars are pertty good for our world nature. by the way, if we can sell our car,we had better try but the electric cars for our world and our children. I am wanting to buy a electric vehicle for my world. but,perhaps I can't buy electric car because they are pretty expensive for people. but, electric cars are pertty comfortuble for people everytime. they are protected vehicles because they are only electric cars. Also, they are going to very fast from other cars because this vehicle has got electric. Long story short : we had better  buy a electric vehicle for our world. they are wonderful car for people.but, they can be expensive for people so you had not better want to buy this car. vehicle       araç electric     e...


 Hello my best friend and my teacher. how are you ?. Iam so so because I died in the game. I turned the computer. I turned the game and I played roblox alone so as to have fun. By the way, I love playing this game especially in the evening by listening music in my room.    Also, I hev got gamer product so as to play game alone in the evening by sitting down. if you haven't got gamer product, you can't buy because they are pretty expensive for people. but, you can buy mouse,mousepad, earphones,finally keyboard for you. keep in mind : you had not better be addict never, if you are a game addict this is bıg problem because you are wanting to  computer,mouse,mousepad,earphones,keyboard. To be honest : I love playing game from my laptop or computer sometimes and, I can be game addict but I am not playing everytime,I am playing sometimes especially in the evening. SEE YOU. game addict        oyun bağımlısı eraphones        kulaklık...


 As everyone can see, we humas live in the world always. And, in my opinion, this world is perfect for people because we have got a lot of thing for us in the world so we had better appreciate it. by the way, this world is pertty long and bıg for people. Also, we had better protect this world because we are liveing in this world together everytime. world has got enough water , places , soil. keep in mind,world is for people because order no hope of life was found on the planets so this world is pertty important for us always. we are liveing the world together so as to do something and ate something.  soil     toprak appreciate      takdir etmek  enough      yeterli  keep in mind     aklında tut unutma  order     sıra / diğer