
Mayıs, 2024 tarihine ait yayınlar gösteriliyor


 164- BE IN A HURRY : ACELE İÇERİSİNDE OLMAK  Are we in a hurry as we have got a lesson and our teacher is coming at once for our lesson in the classroom.  You are in a hurry as we are praying now in common in the mosque now for us by sitting down. 165- - FOR THE SAKE OF: BİR ŞEYİN YADA KİMSENİN UĞRUNA  I will save you for the sake of your flesh now alone as you are in a terrible situation.  We had better study our lesson all along for the sake of our parents and family in our room each other in a day.  parents - akrabalar at once * hemen  pray / dua etmek  situation  & durum  flesh = vücut


 30- How did Artemis Language School affect your English development?  My respond: Above all else, this questıon is soo good and interesting as I learned a lot of thing. When my mom find this language school, firstly I didn't want to joın the lesson as I feel terrible due to english in that time. I am joıning the my english lesson when my childhood thanks to my mom as she searched and find this language school for me. By the way, now I am crazy about english thanks to my mom as she found this wonderful school for me and my future. Also, do you like english?  childhood - çocukluk  search * araştırma  above all else / her leyden önce  interesting & ilginç  be crazy about = sevmek


 161- NO WORRIES: ENDİŞELENME  Please no worries because of this me as I am in my best mates house now and I will come after three hours by bus with my mate's dad in the evening.  No worries, I am not watching video in my laptop now as I have got important exam tomorrow for me thusly I have to study my lesson now in my room.  162- LOOK OVER: GÖZDEN GEÇİRMEK We will look over the our book in the evening each other so as to take most of points in the test for our future as this words are pretty important.   May you look over the this bike in order to fix now for us as we will join the bike bout here.  bout - yarışma  test * sınav  dad / baba  each other & birlikte  fix = onarmak / tamir etmek


 159- THE WAY: ... YAPIŞ ŞEKLİ  The way he is playing soccer pertty wonderful like me all along at the school' garden each other.  The way she is doing her homework in her room so as to win the exam with her best fellow in common.  160- CHEER UP: NEŞELENMEK  You had better cheer up as you are a doctor at the hospital with your best mates in common in order to examine the patients.  You can cheer up as you win this exam alone in your room so as to buy money due to state for you.  state - devlet  patients * hastalar  examine / muayene etmek  each other & birlikte  wonderful = müthiş


 29-  If you had a magic wand that could solve one global problem, what problem would you choose,and how would you solve it? My respond: If I have got magic wand so as to solve one pollution for people. I would want to solve air pollution as air is most important for people. By the way, you can ask me. Why didn't you choose land pollution. Of course, Land pollution is important for us however. Only, you think. You can eat everything however you are bating all along for forty five minutes or one hours. Provided that, You can't  do this for your flesh therefore air pollution is better important for us.  bate * nefes tutmak  provided that * bence  land pollution / toprak kirliliği  all along & her zaman  solve = çözmek 


 157- ENJOY YOUR MEAL: AFİYET OLSUN!  Enjoy your meal mom as I ate my meal in the kitchen before you in this morning alone so as to go to amusement park with my best mates afternoon in common by bus.  I am in the shopping mall and I will say enjoy your meal for all people here as we did a change as well as I losed thus I am doing this now.  158- ALSO: AYRICA Also, we will go to bakery so as to buy two bread for ur house in the evening in common in the outside.  Also, I will buy a eat something due to market for me or for my family as they are crazy about junk food when I bought.  bread - ekmek  junk food * abur cubur  lose / kaybetmek  meal & yemek  amusement park = lunapark   


 28- If you could visit any English-speaking country, where would you go and why? My respond: I would want to go to germany as I have got my best mate in there so as to talk with him and play soccer. I would want to see my best mate in the germany by chating english in common in order to have fun. By the way, I can improve my english in the germany with my best fellow as we go to somewhere in the germany in common so as to see everywhere in a day. Also, I will induce him in order to come TÜRKİYE with me as I am coming TÜRKİYE with my best by plane in common in order to travel TÜRKİYE. As a result, we came to Antalya in common by our tool.  induce - ikna etmek  chat * konuşmak fellow-mate /  yoldaş/ arkadaş  tool & araç   in common = birlikte 


 155- KEEP IN TOUCH: İLETİŞİMDE KALMAK  You had better keep in touch as I will call you five minutes later due to my mom's phone so as to chat about this important exam.  Can we keep in touch in common as I am carzy about you so much because of this play game in common at the school's garden in our spare time.  156- - BE BEING REPAIRED:SERVİSTE OLMAK– TAMİRDE OLMAK  My phone is being reparied their so as to fix my rich phone now for me as I dropped my phone at the school by playing game.  My father's car was being reparied yesterday as my father did accident in the street alone in the vehicle however he is good now.  accident - kaza  rich* zengin  chat / konuşmak vehicle & araç  fix = onarmak/ tamir etmek


 27- How do you handle difficult English words or phrases that you come across in your reading or listening? My respond: If I have got difficult english word or phrases. I am doing these. Firstly, You read this important word or phrases ten times so as to learn that word or phrases. then, I am useing in my sentences this imprtant word in order to learn that's meaning. Finally, I would learn this word due to my sentences. By the way, when I will use sentences I can use this word or phrases so as to lean this word. Also, what about you leran this words or phrases? Long story short, I am learning by reading in order to learn that impotant words.  phrases - yapı  long story short * uzun lafın kısası finally / son olarak  difficult & zor   firstly = ilk olarak


 153- MİND YOUR OWN BUSİNESS: İŞİNLE İLGİLEN– KENDİ İŞİNİZE BAKIN! Heey! mind your own business as I am talking about important topic for my company and for your job now. may you mind your own business please as I am working on the pertty important subject for our company alone due to my computer.  154- CALL BACK : GERİ ARAMAK Might you call back so as to chat in common in the balcony for our neihgbourhood by drinking hot coffee in our spare time.  We will call back in order to joın our work on weekends for you with my best fellows in common as we had better induce so as to joın our company.  induce - ikna etmek  company * şirket  neighbourhood / mahalle  might / may & izin isterken, yapabilirmiyim?  chat = konuşmak


 Bir zamanlar, güzel bir köyde, küçük bir ağaç vardı. ağaçların büyümeleri için suya ihtiyacı var ve su bütün bitkiler için çok gerekli. her gün, köylüler ağaçlara yardım etmek için onları sular, böylece onlar büyür, özellikle ağaçlarla ilgilenmeyi seven çocuklar. Bir gün, köylüler yakınlarda kirli bir gölün olduğunu fark ettiler. onlar gölün daha fazla kirlenmemesi için hızlı davranmaya karar verdiler. bu yüzden onlar birlikte toplandı ve gölün kirliliğini temizlemek için karar verdiler. bu sırada onlar sudaki diğer yaprakları temizlemeye devam ettiler. gölü temizledikten sonra, köylüler kendi çabalarıyla gurur duydular. onlar kendi çevrelerini temiz tutmanın önemini anladı. o günden itibaren, onlar kendilerine gelecek için çevreyi temiz tutacaklarına söz verdiler. önlem alarak, çocuklarına gelecekte daha iyi bir çevre bırakmak için ayrılmaya çalıştılar. onların çocuklarının çevreleri temiz oldukları için onlar çok şanslı olacaklar. köylüler gelecekte de çocuklarının kendileri gib...


 26- What English language-learning goals do you have for the next year, and how do you plan to achieve them? My answer: When I learned english full for my career and my life. I would want to learn russion, or germany so as to improve me with unlike language. By the way, what about you this Questıon? Provided that, I will learn this two beautiful language for my career as I will be a wonderful swot for my country and there. Also, whay will you be in the future for your family or children? I will be swot and english teacher or totur so as to buy money for my family. Will you learn unlike language due to english for your job? To be honest, unlike language might be hard as english as english is easiy for me.  unlike - farklı  due to/ as * den,dan  totur / tahtaya yazı yazmayan öğretmen  might & belki  swot = hafız  wonderful - müthiş


 151- HAVE NO DOUBT THAT:  HİÇ ŞÜPHE YOK Kİ  Have no doubt that, we will go to amusement park by my vehicle in common so as to have fun all along tomorrow.  Have no doubt that, I am good at playing soccer due to my best fellows thus they are crazy about me at all time as they know me.  152-  BE LACK OF : BİR ŞEYDEN YOKSUN OLMAK - BİR ŞEYDEN EKSİK OLMAK  We are lack of the earth due to everything for us as we don't know saving at all for us.  some poeple are lack of the food so as to eat and work in their job for their family.  vehicle - araç  all along * her zaman  fellow / yoldaş  saving & tasarruf   earth = yer yüzü


 Sally okulda çok çalışkan bir kızdı. O her gün çalışırdı ve ödevlerini yapardı. o bir gün mezun olma hayalleri kurdu. Son olarak mezun olmak için günü geldi. Sally çok heyecanlıydı ! o onun arkadaşları ile kutlama yapmayı bekleyemedi ve onun ailesi de mezuniyet partisindeydi. ama sally'nin o gün acelesi vardı. o parti si için hazırdı, ama yapılacak çok şey vardı. O güzel elbisesini giydi, saçlarını düzeltti, ve parti harika olacaktı ve her şeyden emindi. daha sonra, biraz gergin hissetti. o bunu yapabileceğini hatırladı. son olarak, her şey hazır olduğunda, sally onun mezuniyet törenine gitti. parti görevlileri her yeri  balonlarla süsledi ve dekore etti. ve çok muhteşem gözüken bir sahne vardı. Herkes dans etmekten yorulmuştu, ama aksine oturacak bir sandalye bile yoktu. o karşı taraftaki sahneye doğru yürüdü ve diplomasını oradan aldı. o gerçekten kendisi ile gurur duydu. törenden sonra, mezuniyet partisi için zaman geldi. sally'nin arkadaşları ve ailesi onunla beraber kutl...


 25-  How do you feel about speaking English in public? What tips do you have for overcoming shyness? My reply: Of course, I feel shyness however I am checking video in front of the people therefore I am not afraid of or shyness. If I started new, Yes, I could afraid of people however I am checking video in front of the people thus I get used to by checking a video. I am recommending for you. You must start the in fornt of the camera as ıf you are afraid of the camera, you can't check the video in fornt of the people. By the way, keep in mind, When you check the video in front of the people, You must not forget your sentences as when you forgot your sentences video might be ten or fifteen minute however I will watch this new video. I may say, oh this video is pertty terrible and ridiculous for people as well as in order to watch.  shyness - utangaç  recommend * önermek  ridiculous / gülünç, saçma  might be / may & olabilir  can = could


 149- ASK FOR: İSTEMEK My dad, I ask for the freezing when we go to the outside in common as the weather is unbearable hot for people thus I and my brother ask for the ice cream due to you for us.  All pets are asking for pap because of this me or people for them as they are pretty hungry For their young animal in a day all along.  150- GET AHEAD: BAŞARILI OLMAK- İLERLEMEK  My best mates are geting ahead now for their career in the classroom alone as other friends aren't backing up for them.  I  get ahead in my lessons in the classroom due to my another fellow as they are playing game in a day all along in their spare time each other so as to have fun. unbearable - katlanılamaz  hungry * aç  pap / mama  young animal & yavru  back up = desteklemek, yardım etmek  each other - birlikte


 Bir zamanlar, tom ve candy adında iki tane çok iyi arkadaş vardı. Boş zamanlarında, birlikte daha iyi vakit geçirmek için bir şeyleri boyarlar ve şekillendirirler. Tom çok çalışkandı ve lilyde çok yardım severdi. Güneşli bir sabah, bahçeye güzel bir resim çizmeye karar verdiler. Tom renkli çiçekler çizdi, ve lilyde yeşil yapraklı şekilli ağaçlar çizdi. Onlar gökyüzünde parlak bir şekilde parlayan büyük, yuvarlak bir güneş çizdi. Onlar bütün gün çalıştı, ama günün sonunda onların bahçelerinin etrafı kağıtlarla çok dağınıktı. Tom dedi. Haydi gel eve gitmeden önce şuraları toplayalım da öyle gidelim. Lily başını salladı ve söyledi ki. evet, haydi vakum makinesi ile kağıtları ve tozları temizleyelim. onlar bahçeyi birlikte vakum makinesi ile temizlediler. Tom kağıtları toplarken, lilyde tezgahtaki tozları topladı. Son olarak, bahçeyi temizlediler ve toparladılar. tom ve lily birlikte güldüler, onlar sıkı çalışmalarından dolayı mutlu hissediyorlardı. onlar birlikte el ele tutuşup eve d...


 24. -  If you could have an English conversation with any historical figure, who would it be and what would you talk about? My respond: I would want to choose Atatürk as he is beautiful person so as to speak with his. By the way, are you carzy about Atatürk? As he is soldier for our country. I am carzy about Atatürk as he protect our country for us however we aren't protect this country in common so as to live each other. I would want to talk about: why did you be a soldier for your beautiful country? or did your family back up for your job? Your soldiers. Are they helping for you? My say. That's all. Will you say something  for you as I have got a lot of thing in the world for me. They are waiting me, I must go to the world for my jobs. See yoouuu.  soldier - asker  country * ülke  protect / korumak  each other & birlikte  choose = seçmek  be crazy about - çok sevmek 


 147- Give a hand : el uzatmak – yardım etmek  We are crazy about give a hand all along at the school as we don't see us another places due to school so as to play game in common.  I have to give a hand for my mom as she is working in a day at the house alone in order to clean our house.  148- Lose control : kontrolü kaybetmek  My dad losed control vehicle's in the orad thus we did accident and we went to hospital because of this my dad in the rainy weather.  I won't lose control in my robot as ıf I lose control my robot's remote control, It can be terrible thing. all along - her zaman  remote control * kontrol kumandası  accident / kaza  vehicle & araç  because of this = bundan dolayı 


 23- What English books or movies would you recommend to someone learning the language? My reply: If I can found like this person. I am able to say something about moveis or books. Firstly, you can watch gogo as gogo is rather terrific so as to start english. I am watching gogo sometimes in my spare time in order to have fun as that cartoon is rather beautiful for children thusly you can watch them in your spare time with your notebook. Second, You can read book and this books should be a cartoon's book or comic strip in your spare time so as to improve you with english. I fyou can do them, you are able to improve your english your child' in time for you.  comic strip - çizgi roman  gogo * ingilizce çizgi film'in ismi  in time / tam zamanında cartoon & çizgi film  thusly = bu yüzden  recommed - önermek  


 145- Write down : yazmak – not almak I am crazy about write down as when I forgot that important word, I am able to see in there so as to use in my sentences.  He wont importants words and matters as he is memorizing them for the his life's exam in his life.  146- Absolutely : kesinlikle  This goal is absolutely beautiful for the people as football players are seeing this goal at all time in the training.  You will do your homework in your room in a day in order to improve you absolutely for your career and life.  memorize - ezberlemek  training * antreman   matter / konu improve & kendini geliştirmek  player = oyuncu


 22- If you could create a new planet, what would it be like, and what kind of creatures would live there? My respond: I would want to near the sun as I don't want to feel unberable hot near the sun with my public in common therefore my new planet will be some far the sun. By the way, my public will be my family and filistin as they are in the best big war with their child, old person. I will take due to that big war as well as israil soldiers won't touch me as I will wear ballistic vest and electric. Afterward, we will live in common by haveing fun at all time.  afterward - daha sonra  planet * gezegen  public / halk  ballistic vest & kurşun geçirmez yelek  touch = dokunmak 


 143- Stay safe : güvende kal  Please you stay safe at your house in a day as soldiers are coming so as to take you due ro your house afternoon for you.  I am staying safe for my healthy as ıf you can see in the outside. They are able to take you for their wars in the world so as to die innocent people. 144- Feel like : gibi hissetmek I am feeling like my best mate batuhan now as we passed the hard exam two minute ago i common in order to play game at the school's garden.  We are feeling like filistin now however we aren't doing something for us at the our house.  soldier - asker  outside * dışarısı  pass / geçmek  hard & zor   innocent = masum


 Eski günlerde, genç heyecanlı bir erkek çocuğu vardı ve onun adı Tom idi çünkü o okul gezisiyle güneş sistemi müzesine gidiyordu. onun hayali yetenekli bir astronot olmaktı ve uzaydan dünyaya bakmaktı. o hazırlanmak için erken den uyandı ve çantasını çorapları ve kamarasını koyarak hazırladı. o uzay aracını görmeyi bekleyemedi ve o uzay hakkında deney yaptı. Önce kapıyı kilitledi, o kendi ayakkabısını memnuniyetle parlattı. ama anahtarını içeride unuttu ve bu yüzden kapıda iki saat bekledi. Tam o sırada onun annesi eve geldi ve onun kapıda olduğunu gördü. Ve onun neden kapıda beklediğinin nedenini sordu. Ama annesi her şeyi açıklamak için yeterli zamanı yoktu. En kısa zamanda o müzeye vardı, Tom ve onun arkadaşları içeriye doğru koştu. onlar birlikte sergileri gezdiler ve uzay ve yıldızlar hakkında bazı şeyler öğrendiler. Tom'un öğretmeni uzayda yer çekiminin nasıl olduğunu anlattı ve tom büyülendi. daha sonra, uzay aracının modelleriyle fotoğraf çekinmelerine izin vermişlerdi. o ...


 21- What do you think is the most important invention of all time, and how has it changed the world? Provided that, most important inventions is car or phone as ıf you haven't got them you can do something in your career and when you grew up. Vehicles are pertty easiy for people to go to somewherewith his family or best fellows in common in a day. By the way, vehicles are different as they are being electric however most people has got gasoline, lpg in the world still as people has got lots of money. For instance: one or two millions. Then, phone. If you have not got a phone. You can't call something, play game, search due to your phone. phone is pretty tremendous invention for me as you are able to everything in your spare time.  gasoline - benzin  lpg * lpg  grow up / büyümek  invention & buluş  vehicle = araç   


 141- - Be full of : bir şey ile dolu olmak  I am full of with food as when I came my house due to school, I am eating food in the kitchen alone by watching video therefore I am full of with food now.  He is full of with water as he drank ten glass's water in the living room thus he is not going to his room alone on foot. I am helping for his at the house.  142- Put through : bağlamak (telefon) My cousin is puting through wifi so as to watch or look at something due to our phone.  I am not able to put through other's phone as I didn't do this at all for them.  at all - hiç  glass * bardak  therefore / bu yüzden  on foot & yürüyerek  when = dığın da / diğinde 


Geçmişte, lily adında neşeli bir çocuk vardı.  Lily onların evlerini keşfetmeyi çok severdi, özellikle karanlıkta. Bir akşam, o onun favori mumunu bulmak için el fenerini kullanmaya karar verdi. O aradı ve aradı, ama hızlıca bulamadı. Birden, onun el fenerindeki pil bitti, ilk olarak onun bozuk olduğunu düşünüyordu ve karanlıkta kaldı. Lily karanlıkta korkmaya başladı ve o ne yapacağını bilmiyordu. Ama daha sonra onun ebeveynlerinin o ne dediklerini hatırladı. Güvende kal ve gerektiğinde yardım al. Lily derin bir nefes aldı ve sakin kalmaya karar verdi. Koridorda yürürken, O bir kaç farklı gölge gördü, ama onlar farklıydı, o korkmamayı denedi. O çocukluğunda karanlık bir odada kalmıştı bu yüzden onun karanlık odalara karşı fobisi vardı. Ama bu durumdan hemen kurtulmak gerekliydi. O mutfakta yedek pillerin olduğunu hatırladığını söyledi. Bu yüzden, o yavaşça oraya doğru yol aldı, yolda hiçbir şeyle  karşılaşmamaya dikkat ederek. Yeni pillerle, o onun el fenerindeki eski pilleri...


 20- If you could be an animal, which one would you be and what would you do?  My reply: I would want to ant as they are hardworking for their food in the summer however They can be die at all time in a day as they are pretty small as people therefore Ant's life is pretty dangerous and different. Or, I would want  to lion as they are king or boss in my eyes at all time as the books are saying like this thus I am thinking them a boss in the forest alone. Realy, I would want to be a bird as they are able to fly over the buildings with their family or alone so as to see everywhere in the world. By the way, They can change the city or country free.  therefore - bu yüzden  dangerous * tehlikeli  boss / patron  realy & gerçekten  over = mesafeli olarak üzerinde


 139- How to: bir şeyin nasıl yapıldığı  How to play this game with our best mates at the school's garden in common in our spare time so as to have fun?  How to learn this topic for my life and career in the classroom as my teacher at the school?  140- At all : hiç – hiçbir şekilde  I won't to come with you at all as you are saying a lie for me therefore I won't to come with you anywhere so as to travel , visit or see.  He is not doing his homework at all thus I will give a penance for his tomorrow as he it serves you right.  therefore - bu yüzden  lie * yalan  penance / ceza  it serves you right & hak ettin- oh olsun  travel = seyahat etmek  


 Bir zamanlar, Alex adında bilim kurgu ,macera ve tarih kitaplarını seven bir çocuk vardı. Bir gün, Alex kendisi için özel bir yer buldu ve o  bulduğu yere zamanda yolculuk yapmaya karar verdi. Geçmiş zamana gitmeyi severdi, eski günlere. Bu yeni yerde, antik kentte doyasıya eğlendik. Çünkü biz birlikte vakit geçirmek için çok fazla zamanımız var. Onlar en iyi arkadaşlarıyla zaman geçirdikleri için mutlu hissetmeye başladılar. Onlar seyahat ederek birlikte çok fazla zaman geçirdiler. Onlar yeni tuhaf yerler keşfettiler. Bununla birlikte onlar değişik canavarlar görme fırsatları var. Canavarlar onları fark ettiğinde, Alex hızlıca koşmaya başladı çünkü alex inanılmaz hızlı koşardı. Sonunda, kimse onları o gezegende yakalayamadı. Aksine, elena,alex onların zamanlarına geri gitmeliler. Ne yazık ki, görüşürüz demek zordu, ama alex elenaya verdiği sözü hatırladı  ve birlikte inanılmaz maceraları vardı. Bu günlerde, alex eski anılarını düşünür ve mutlu hisseder. Onlar ayrılmalar...


 137- Break down : parçalara ayırmak, bozmak My motorcycle breaked down due to this terrible war in two days as when this terrible war, this motorcycle was burn right in front of me under my nose.  You will break down that remote control here by playing alone in the living room in the evening.  138-  I am sure that : eminim ki  I am sure that, we will go to the sea in common by car so as to swim in the sea afternoon for our system.  I am sure that, my father will this tremendous toy car for me as I am crazy about its in order to play and have fun at the house in my spare time.  motorcycle - motosiket  rometo control * kumanda  system / vücut  in common  & birlikte  tremendous = muazzam


 19- What is the most important thing this life has taught you? My answer: This life leraned me this. If you want to be a successful student in your classroom, you must study your lesson at all time in your room with your laptop or computer. You had better study your lesson or eat your meal then eat chocolate and watch video or tv. If you want to be success person, you must study or work more and more from other people. If you want to career in your young age, you must take pains with your best fellows or family or alone so as to buy earn money in your young age.  Take  pains with - emek vermek  fellow * yoldaş  earn money / çok para  othre & diğer  career = kariyer 


 18- What strategies do you use to expand your English vocabulary? My reply: I am useing this strategies: I am watching english movie with subtitle in my room in my spare time. Afterward, I am chating with my family at the hous in common at all time so as to improve me. By the way, They are carzy about talking english with me as they were born in england at the hospital. I am joıning my english lesson twıce a week due to my room and my laptop in order to learn topic, new words with my best mates in common especially in the evenings. Also, what about you? waht are you doing for your english so as to improve. I am expanding my english like this for me.  afterward - daha sonra  england * ingiltere  especially / özellikle  expand & genişletmek vocabulary = kelime bilgisi


 135- Bring up: büyütmek – yetiştirmek My family was bring up me when my childhood for my future and my career in common.  My aunt is bring up my cousins with her housband everywhere for his life and future in common.  136- Save time : zaman kazanmak  We are saveing time due to our teacher at all time for their exam at the school's garden as they have got pretty important exam for their.  My elder sister saved time due to me as she will beat in my room alone afternoon tomorrow so as to buy money due to me.  beat - dövmek housband * koca  childhood / çocukluk  my elder sister & abla  aunt = teyze


 133- can't stand: dayanamamak  He can't stand to read a book in his spare time as he is carzy about playing soccer with his best mates in the computer in common especially midninght so as to have fun in his room by eating something.  Provided that you can't stand play this tremendous game as you are carzy about science fiction games in your room with me in our spare time in common especially afternoon so as to have fun.  134- during: sırasında  I can't go to somewhere during my english lesson today evening with my family by vehicle in common in order to buy something for me.  What are during your tv in the living room with you cousin? vehicle - araba  especially * özellikle  midninght / gece yarısı  spare time & boş zaman  science ficiton = bilim kurgu 


 17- If you were the mayor of a small town, what changes would you make to make it a better place to live?  My respond: If I would live in the small town with my poeple in common at all time. I would want to do five small park for my children or people as they are crazy about my five small park for my small town. By the way, Do you like town? did you go there with your family at all? I will do hospital, school, super market, bakery, chemist's, stadium these for my small town. Also, I choose me state. I am crazy about my people here. I am visiting them twıce a week with my state vehicle alone or my helper in common in a day so as to see their life in my small town.  state - devlet  chemist * eczane bakery / fırın  vehicle & araba  twıce a week = haftada iki kez